International Workshop on
Spectral Stellar Libraries

October 14th - 17th 2013, Lyon (France)


The proceedings of IWSSL2013 will soon appear in the ASICS series of the Astronomical Society of India. (The first IWSSL conference was already published in this series, and is indexed in ADS). The paper published in ASICS are refereed.


The authors should submit their contributions typeset in Latex according to the instruction found in the Latex package: basi.tar.gz

We have flexible limits on the number of pages. You are welcome to exceed these indicative limits, or write shorter contributions, as long as it is scientifically justified. Indicative lengths are as follow:

  • 40 min talks : 8-10 pages
  • 20 min talks : 6-8 pages
  • Posters : 4 pages

We are however asking the authors to provide an even number of pages, as it will ease the preparation of the printed version.

Despite our will to be flexible and add as little constraint as possible, we have hard deadlines:

  • First submission of the manuscripts: November 20th
  • Submission of the revised version: December 20th

The volume will be handed to the Series Editor on Dec. 31st.

We will be strict on these deadline, because it is a condition to achieve a short publication delay.

The source files (Latex and figures in eps), as well as a pdf shall be packed in a tar or zip file and mailed at:

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