Libraries of stellar spectra are at the crossroad of different fields of astrophysics. In particular they serve as reference for the classification and automatic analysis of large stellar spectroscopic surveys and are fundamental ingredients of the models of stellar populations used to study the evolution of galaxies. These libraries may either consist of observed or theoretical spectra, and they vary by their spectral coverage/domain and resolution.
The goals of the workshop are to present the recent efforts in this domain and to describe the usages of the libraries.

The list of topics to be discussed is:
- The observational stellar libraries over the electromagnetic spectra
(description of projects, selection of stars, characterization of the spectra)
- Theoretical libraries (projects, physical background, line-lists, cross-calibration against observations)
- Characterization of stellar spectra (fundamental parameters, abundances, classification methods)
- Usages of libraries to study stellar populations
- Usages of libraries in stellar physics
- Surveys (GAIA, RAVE, LAMOST, ..., their need for libraries, their contribution to building libraries)
- Dissemination of libraries and spectra (databases, archives, virtual observatory)
The four-day meeting will be organized around a few 40 minutes review talk and a number of 20 minutes contributions and poster viewing.
Interest in participating and giving a presentation may yet be send by email ( prior to the opening of the pre-registration.
This conférence is organized by Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) and Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), two laboratories of the LABEX Lyon Institute of Origins (LIO) and by the University of Delhi. It follows IWSSL 2011, organized in Delhi.

Download the conference poster
Confirmed Invited Reviewers:
Coryn Bailer-Jones (Heidelberg, Italy),
David Montes (Madrid, Spain),
Reynier Peletier (Groningen, Netherland), Bertrand Plez (Montpellier, France),
Antonella Valenari (Padova, Italy)